Saturday, April 23, 2011

What's Coming to the Holiday Table

The cost of food is rising and according to this article, global famine, disaster, and war are to blame. Holidays are becoming more expensive now, for example Hershey’s chocolate Easter bunnies; according to this New York Times article Hershey’s stated that they have increased the cost of their merchandise by about 10%. But, its not just chocolate’s prices that are rising. Coffee and even cereal are becoming more pricey for the normal consumer. The cost of coffee is going to dramatically increase because of drought (resulting from climate change), which in turn will limit the supply of coffee to consumers. The big problem that we are about to face is not just those small luxury goods, but the prices of staple goods are also becoming higher. According to this article, “wholesale food prices rose 3.9% in February, the largest increase on record for one month since 1974.” Not just consumers in the U.S. are being affected by this sudden change in price, but consumers around the world. “The cost of food worldwide rose 37% from February 2010 to this year,” according to the United Nations. Meat prices are especially being hit hard this year, experts say that this year brisket at Passover is costing 17% more than it did last year. Manufacturers and producers must now figure out how to break this news to consumers. They say that there are only two options: charge more or sell smaller packages at the same price.


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